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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

1238 I'm a Muslim who sinned a lot. I gossiped and was involved with boys etc but I was popular and never felt alone. Now I have changed a lot. I pray, read the Quran and I'm making up the prayers and fasts that I missed. I don't backbite anymore and sin as little as possible but I feel alone and nobody likes me.

My friends make fun of people and I don't join in because I know it's bad but they find me boring. Sometimes I want to change back but I know it's wrong. I cry all the time. What should I do?
May Allah (S.W.T) with the Waseela of our Beloved Prophet (S.A.W) grant you the strength to continue in doing good, grant you further happiness and to make it easy for you in your difficult time. (Ameen)

Please read the answer given in question 1053. You will inshallah find it both useful and beneficial.

(Answered by: Hafiz Mohammed Akhtar)
Category (Sin / Forgiveness / Repentance)