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Ask The Imam Category

Questions in Category (Zakat)
No. Question
462 I have two properties which I have bought. One is the house I live in and the other one is put on rent. Both properties have been purchased on mortgage. All I want the Imam Saab to explain is that as both are on mortgage and I am in debt to my mortgage company, do I have to pay Zakat? Could you clearly explain this but don't side track the question around the logistics of mortgage, as I am fully aware of this issue.
Category (Zakat)
672 Do we need to pay Zakat on Child Benefit which is going towards savings for your children? This money will be built up for the children when they grow up.
Category (Zakat)
741 My question is that if I have already given Zakaat on my one year's income and in the next year I have some part of my previous year's income left. Do I have to pay Zakaat on this in my current year's income for Zakaat or not?
Category (Zakat)
953 What can Zakaat be used / spent on? And what can't Zakaat be used/ spent on.
Category (Zakat)
1273 Asslamulakum, beautiful website, may we gain more and more love for our Beloved Prophet (S.A.W). May the whole Ummah pull together and read Darood and Salam to our Beloved Prophet (S.A.W). My first question is with regards to Zakat. Zakat is given to poor people and if we look at the English system they have adopted this to pay taxes, and this money is spent on unemployed, hospital, foreign aid… in effect do we already pay zakat as we are working? My second question is, Did the Prophet (S.A.W) have cats?
Category (Zakat)